July 15, 2007

Star Wars Family Guy


Too funny

June 13, 2007

Holy Freaking Crap

New StarCraft video :D

  • Soul Reaver demonstration level looked suspiciously like a WCIII map
  • Phase cannons better be half the power of photon cannons or twice the price. If not, all hail the new cheese --> phase prisms+phase cannons
  • Carriers are back! The tempest appears to be the "dark" version of the carrier.
    • Somewhere in Lansing, Yong just squealed in delight.
  • Ahh more Archons, everyone can use more Archons in their life. Twilight Archon=light templar+dark templar. They didn't have much of chance against that google of marines though.
  • If you watch closely during the Twilight Archon sequence you'll see an old friend slowly creep in from the top of the screen, Reavers are back!

June 8, 2007

Cross-posted from my regular blog:

Yesterday, during dinner, a random Korean awards show came on on TV. I didn't pay it much mind until this song started playing.

Yes, it's "Like a Virgin" sung by a male kpop singer in bad English with rapping.

As if that alone weren't bad enough, my hostmom turns to me and asks "what is the meaning of 'like a virgin'?" and I had to explain through mouthfuls of kimchi jjigae. She then likened it to 총각 and asked if you could call a person by the title. I wish I had said yes.

May 30, 2007

Language Barriers? 6PM-5AM!

This will be the super-incredibly long post. Went out to Sinchon last night and met some great people. Tom/myself set out to meet Yuri in front of Evan records. Then we accidently ran into Tom/Yuri's friend Jinjin and her bf Sunny 형. Languages.
Sunny 형: Korean, good English
Jinjin 누나: Chinese, good english, good Korean
유리 누나: Japanese, good korean
Tom: English, good japanese, decent korean
Me: English, good korean, horrible-so-awful japanese

Tom's apt revealed at last! Basically a one room studio and he air dries his laundry in here..

At this super famous(expensive) 삼겹살 place. This is where we ran into Sunny 형 and Jinjin.

As we ate, Jinjin and Sunny 형 offered to take us out to this super famous ice cream shop that sold apple pie. We gladly accepted and got a ride to some mysterious location(srsly, we had no idea where we were subway station-wise)

This is the ice cream place. THEY HAD WAFFLES IN KOREA. OMGZ. We didn't get the apple pie in the end, but it was all good nonetheless. The ambiance here was stellaaar.

A blurry pic, but the first group pic so it deserves its due. Tom, me, Yuri, Jinjin.

Some clarity. Jinjin(Chinese) and Sunny 형(Korean) have been dating for 5 years. You would think that two people who don't communicate in the same language fluently would have some problems, but alas, I am too naive. I must grow more in the ways of love. Mm mm yes. *strokes non-existant beard

The ice cream place is called Cafe 다. As in, "that's a cafe!" Yuri is from Kobe, Japan. Of course I immediately locked into the Kobe beef conversation with her. Speaking our non-fluent Korean to each other was tough at first but we soon broke through. Plus, I had Tom translate some of the harder vocabulary into Japanese and Yuri did vice-versa.

In the back of Sunny 형's car on the way back to Sinchon. Our favorite song to sing together in the car was 동방신기's 풍선. 지나가버린~, 어린 시절엔~~!

At OB Park! They ran out of maeshil soju, so decided to get apple. Thats our greasy 안주, some form of bacon with vegetables.

Tom getting his red-face on. This was around like 9:30PM; 8 more hours to go Tom!

Wait! You're telling me we have to speak each of our sentences twice in a different language for a mutual understand-ation? Sounds good to me! (ok that only happened on the harder story-tellings)

Putting my best foot foward and making an effort to learn some Japanese. Yuri was also very thoughtful and began to right down the words that I kept asking about. The list grows from here.

아~~! 이나!!

I guess you could call this 4차? The Chicken Hof place called TwoTwo. More soju, beer, and most importantly fried chicken!

This is where all the alcohol began to catch up to us. Yuri has this penchant for sticking her tongue out. Me? I just like doing the peace sign.

Outside on the streets of Sinchon after TwoTwo. May I be honest? I seriously don't remember taking this picture. And I'm sure I used my long arm for this shot.

We stopped by the GS mart to get some snacks. Why is Tom so happy while eating that ice cream bar!? A true lover of food.

We just out here to have a good time~! La la la~(can't add anything more descriptive because it escapes me)

Ok my memory returns. We went to this baseball place to win some prizes. Had to throw an x amount of strikes to get something. I remember that the guy gave Yuri like 20 balls to throw and the guys 8. We all eventually won something. There's a video(s) of this...but its so embarassing that I want to destroy my dika. My first pitch clanged off that white sign up there.

We went to the 노래방, but Yuri began to get a bit sleepy. That's the monkey I won at the baseball place around her neck.

It's noraebang and this time they're not gonna cheat us out of our minutes! (They made 60min=45min, bastards). Gen, gen, GENGHIS KHAHAAAAN!

That's the pillow she won. During the waning minutes of our noraebang time. We kept on trying to leave so Yuri could get sleep back home but she wouldn't have it. We tried tricking her, telling her that the minutes were up. She would then check the timer and tell us to keep going or give us the stare of death. Then we tried telling her that we were bored and wanted to go home. Stare of death again. She would sleep a bit, sing a song, then sleep again.

Justin, I didn't get a chance to eat here! This is 5AM in front of the place Justin/I vow to eat at, but never do. I was gonna crash at Tom's place and go home later, but when we left the noraebang it was already 5AM and time to catch the first train back home!

May 27, 2007

new hotness

im sure yong will have photos and descriptions galore, but he kept me out until 5 am last night now im teaching a new term at cdi... while dieing.

May 26, 2007

Fiesta~ Fiesta~

Coming hot off the dika.

To Tom's place. See the missing numbers!? I climbed 7 floors before I found the hidden elevator. Seven isn't bad, but climbing 7 thinking you have 5 more to go is torture. (7+5=12 Tom lives on 12th floor :D)

일차! 1st round was 매운 닭갈비. The noodles were spaghetti noodles, they spread a bit of marinera on it, pretty good. Only bad thing was that this place was so f'in loud. The workers would scream their orders at each other and shout their greetings at customers. If you ask for one bottle of soju, they would reply, "소주벼~어~엉!!!"

2차. At an outdoor 삼겹살 place. Tom's "I WANT A COOKIE~!"pose. Actually he was explaining something to me(can't remember what though).

3차. At the famous 파전/막걸이 place in Sinchon. That's an egg souffle? It's just egg in a cool bamboo cup. The owner lady(late 30's?) asked us if we weren't gonna eat this weird tofu gelatin thing. Said no, then she bent down a bit, touched my shoulder and told me to eat the kimchee, its good, since its homemade. After that, all I could see was her. (ok let me explain more of this later)

JAWS BARRR!! My childhood treat. Brings back memories whenever I eat it. Sooo delicious. Justin, mission accomplished! Now I must eat at that pasta place(chances don't look good though).

At Buy The Way! You see Starbucks coffee in the background? I saw the ghetto fob version of it. It was called, "STARBONGS."

Dropshots wouldn't allow me to upload videos over 10MB or something and I hate youtube so just DL the file please~. After a couple of bottles of soju and that ice cold 막길이, you get a bit buzzed. I learned alot about Shu(I peppered tom with incessant questions) and then the alcohol brings the loneliness out. Told Tom how I was filling my days. Met family yesterday at 명동(couple heaven) and going to that place single sometimes even brings the mightiest lumberjack down.

After watching the video, you see how skillyfully they cook the 파전. The owner lady(after she told me to eat kimchee) rolled up her sleeves and started cooking up a storm as well. Told Tom that any female that can cook brings her up to astronomical proportions in my eyes. After that the little (quite foolish) inside joke was that the lady owner was the dream of my life. Then Tom skillyfully translated, "내 꿈의 여자" or something along those lines. Oh yea, we did ask for a second order of kimchee btw.

I thought I wouldn't be going to 노래방 on this trip. But Tom had my back! We had a great time. We snuck in some soju but it got confiscated midway. Quite reverse-ively, Tom started off with a korean song and me an English song.

Check out my personal blog for more non-jeesh related material.

May 23, 2007

Keeping the Tumbleweed Moving

Busy time in korea so far. I don't know if I can technically term this a vacation. I've been in a medium of transportation for roughly 50% of my time here. Car, minivan, taxi, train, subway etc. You name it, i've rode in it or on it. Time for some hawt pics.


The appetizer meal. 불닭. Hotter than anything. I even ate the pickles on the side to cool my mouth. For those who don't know, I really really hate pickles. Not in hamburgers, h.dogs or in anything. I was that desperate.

This is the 꽃 samgyupsal. Or the "flower." It's about 1k won more expensive than the normal. To me, it tastes a bit softer and more flavorful. But after 5-6 servings the lines tend to get blurred.

The 참이슬 has changed. It's "fresh" now. Tastes a bit smoother and doesn't have that horse kick to your mouth when you drink it, ya know that kind of cough syrup aftermath taste.

It was only 3 bottles of soju between us; so I don't know if it was drunkiness or major jet lag. I only landed in korea about 16-18 hours before this shot was taken.

I think i'm gonna update on my other blog for a non-jeesh related part of my stay here in korea. Chekkit out.

May 16, 2007


brenden's funny video blog. thanks for taking another 20 minutes of my life. i didnt even get to see the end of the game. looks like another jeesh blog died. maybe we're all just busy. i know i am.

April 17, 2007


i'm a little sad that i was looking online for korean hairstyles, thinking about getting my hair cut, and i came across a blog that seemed to be fairly interesting about international issues and current events. i looked around and as i read, i noticed a disturbing trend that many upon many of his posts related to bashing koreans for racism, xenophobia, arrogance and worse. there was only 1 article that i saw that related to japan in any negative way, but every single post related to korea was only to declare how horrible the korean people are. there is no personal information about the guy but on his side items about books and organizations they are all japanese leaning items and neoconservative and right-wing republican think tanks. i'm saddened that he poses himself as "fair and balanced" when it seems obvious what his intentions are, even without any personal information given by him in the usual way. it's just sad that such views are still so prevalent.

April 16, 2007

hungry again.

pizza mandu??? what will they think of next?

April 11, 2007

Hardest Mario Mod...Ever

The part where he hits the invisible block kills me everytime

April 9, 2007

Hey All :)

I haven't been responding to the mass music update emails (haha which is so funny to me that it even started). Sorry

But I'm just putting it out that that I miss you guys! I was looking through my pictures and this random one just came up of us at Han Gang on July 4th. I don't know whose camera it was- but it's a huge group shot of us on the stairs.

Yea- so I miss everybody. That is all.


April 6, 2007

Kinda Weird

I'm leaving the men's locker room at my gym when this asian guy stops me.

Man: Hey, you play tennis? (sounded like: hey, yuu pulayee tan-is?)
Me: hm? Yes.
*more chit chat of when you played, you good?, did you play on a team?
Man: You Chinese?
Me: No, Korean.
Man: Give me your number, we can play tennis sometime.
Me: Uhhh...(didn't really want to give him number). *But dang, he was so polite I couldn't be like, "NO!!!"
*I write number, exchange names.
Wu: Alright, I'll give you a call.
Me: Ok, bye

I dunno what to do. This guy looks like he's 40-50 years old. I've seen him around a lot and I've watched him play tennis while running around the track. He's good, but he's OLD. I guess I'll have to answer his call and play some ball with him. He plays doubles a lot with other men his age, but man, I just feel uncomfortable with the old men. I want to play competitive, but I don't want to play like a young popin'jay running around everywhere while these old people can't. And I don't want to play at half-speed because that would be just blah.

What's the worst thing that could happen? I get pwned and this guy never wants to play with me again. Or maybe I play so well and I impress him. Then he reveals the fact that he is a king and wants me to marry his beautiful daughter and take over his throne, ala Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America."

And when I say the boy has his own money, I mean THE BOY HAS HIS OWN MONEY!!

What do you guys/gals think? Go play ball?

April 2, 2007

Justin, I've found the solution!

I would buy this for you just to see you use it :P

April 1, 2007

1st Post of April

How's everyone been? Nothing really crazy or interesting to report, but I can't have Brenden making all the crazy yet interesting posts.

My sister came home for the weekend. That usually means its a cook-off in the house so we can throw all the food in tupperware and alumin foil wraps so she can stock up on food and take it home.

So the menu was this 호박죽(butternut squash gruel-this is actually very healthy), kimchee, and 깍두기(those square crunchy spicy things). RAWR, there was so much food to make. Just making the squash gruel took a good 2-3 hours. Cut it up, pressure steam, get sweet rice and cut etc etc.

So as I am making the squash gruel for what seemed like an eternity and my sister was doing some menial task with the 깍두기, I needed a song to help us through our toiling and bondage.

Me: Nuna, do you know a good slave song?
Nuna: What?
Me: Let's do that one from church.
"When Israel was in Egypt’s land,
Let My people go!
Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
Let My people go!"
Me(ignores): Mm~, c'mon now!
"Go down, Moses,
Way down in Egypt’s land;
Tell old Pharaoh
To let My people go!"
Nuna: *laughing
Me: something~, something~, LET. MY. PEOPLE. GO.~~~!!
*Mom walks into kitchen
Mom: 야, 시끄럽다~! (basically, STFU!)

And~, that's the end of my the story.

March 26, 2007

Hmm, I wonder what this could be?

Blizzard Entertainment® Announces 2007 Worldwide Invitational

IRVINE, Calif. – March 7, 2007 – Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced plans to hold its third Worldwide Invitational in Seoul, South Korea on May 19 and 20. The Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals are public events that allow the company to connect with gamers in a celebration of the Warcraft®, Diablo®, and StarCraft®® gaming. This year’s Blizzard Worldwide Invitational will be held at the Olympic Gymnastics and Fencing Stadiums in Seoul. game universes and competitive Blizzard Entertainment

The event will be open to gamers of all ages and feature a number of exciting e-sports tournaments, including the regional finals for both Warcraft III Battle.net® Season 5 and the first season of World of Warcraft®'s Arena Tournament. Invitational StarCraft and Warcraft III tournaments will also pit some of Korea's finest players against tough international challengers.

"With a wide variety of themed activities and competitions to participate in, the Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals are a great way for us to show our appreciation to our players," said Mike Morhaime, president and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "We're looking forward to creating another memorable show for them this year as well."

Outside of the e-sports realm, unique panel discussions will be held by Blizzard developers on various topics, and several hands-on attractions will add to the fun. Further details on the 2007 Blizzard Worldwide Invitational will be released in the weeks ahead.

About Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Best known for blockbuster hits including World of Warcraft® and the Warcraft®, StarCraft®, and Diablo® series, Blizzard Entertainment® (www.blizzard.com), a division of Vivendi Games, is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software renowned for creating many of the industry's most critically acclaimed games. Blizzard's track record includes ten #1-selling games and multiple Game of the Year awards. The company's free Internet gaming service, Battle.net®, reigns as the largest in the world, with millions of active users.




March 21, 2007

I also only eat Jeesh sponsored food

Lawrence Street is calling me back via delicious food products o_O

March 19, 2007


I attempted to make dukbokki for the first time tonight. It came out a little bit dry, but was quite tasty.

The ingredient list:
-chopped green onion
-chopped carrots
-corn syrup
-seasame oil
-extra virgin olive oil
-soy sauce

March 10, 2007


what the hell?! you guys... send me links to cyworld's, mixi's, myspaces or whatever and ill make the links list. im idic314 on skype. and lonely without samgyupsal... wait a second, oh i just bought some from grand mart and im gonna eat it. hahahahaa

March 9, 2007


quick question, who is going to be in Korea this summer?

March 8, 2007

The 3 Stooges

Lawrence, Justin, Yong(organized by age). Got our first conference call using Skype today. GOOD TIMES!! Justin on one end calling everyone dumbasses, Lawrence saying the most random stuff i've ever heard, and me trying to fix my microphone sound.

Justin wanted me to take screenshots b/c his crappy computer cant do it. YEA I SAID IT! If your computer is soooo good, why cant it do rudimentary functions?

Pre-game Chatter
Justin: Yong, I'm eating the beef jerkey you left here
Me: Ok
Lawrence: Oh~, im sure he left a LOT of beef jerkey!
Justin: OHHHH~
Me: *falls to ground and laughing too hard to say anything

In-Game Chatter (Yong/Justin vs. Lawrence)
Justin: omg, get Lawrence he's right there!
*오마이가드! kills angryfaceman
Justin/Yong: OHHHH!!!!
Me: I KILLLED YOUUU!!! *plus other incoherent noises

More In-Game
Me: I'm so hungry
Lawrence: I'm actually a little hungry too
Justin: Lets all change our names to, "I want to eat samgyupsal~!!"

Even More In-Game
Me: Yo Lawrence, blah blah blah
Lawrence: haha, blah blah blah blah
*Sithas Dies

As you can see, we are 3 idiots bound by gaming and we thank skype for making this all possible. The end.

Mario owns 2007, CONFIRMED

New videos from Game Developers Conference 2007

Super Mario Galaxy in Q4 GIVE ME NOW!!!

Super Paper Mario in April

March 5, 2007

Dwight, Andy and Rob

Guerrila update from Sociology 100,

We had to draw pictures of a stereotypical bully and "pretty child", these pictures are the resulting crimes against art




~BLee out

Final Guerrilla Post

Adding to Tom's revelation. The Guerrilla Posts 1 and 2 are back on my blogspot. It's basically quick and daily snippets of what has happened during my stay in Chicago.

Lets just jump into the pics.

This is Justin and I living like KINGS. Super Pretzels w/ mustard and some Mequite Barbecue chips on the side. We either watched Discovery Channel while eating or played smash. The discovery channel is seriously the sheeet. Myth Busters and The Deadliest Catch are our favorite shows.

Silverbolt(me)=14-6 Angryfaceman(lawrence)=10-9 We actually talked to Lawrence on Skype. OMG, it was so crazy hearing his voice and his snarky comments while we played together. Just used skype while we played Source together and as you can see, Yong>Lawr! Hahaha, when i go back home, it'll be me, justin, lawr on skype together and its gonna be nuts. There's a video of me talking to lawr on skype when he first connected but its on Justin's dica.

This is south side Chicago at 6:30 AM!! Up, oh so friggen early to get a Nintendo Wii with Justin and Stella.

Some artistic statue people at 6:30 in the MORNING! In downtown Chicago en route to Target.

See that? Opens at 8AM. We got there at 7AM!! Justin was really insane about getting his Wii.

The sad duo that were accompanying Justin to get his Wii. It was FREEZING! Stella actually came to get DS Lite but they were sold out. Target had Wiis but no Lites? Crazy world we live in. Me? I just came to support my two friends.

Justin getting his Wii. Look at that little half-smile on his face. Truly, the calm before the storm. Even though we were 1st in line, there was a SECOND entrance in the garage to target. So all those people got ahead of us. Haha, you shoulda seen Justin's face when he saw all those people ahead of him. He was the 19th person in line.

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Tried out a gaming chair at Target. Tested its rock-a-bility but sadly I fell.

Everyone was exhausted after all the Wii madness in the morning. But I guess it was only me that fell asleep.